I remember one time when I was younger, my dad asked a question that struck me. I think it was during house fellowship and we were learning about the disciples and the things they sacrificed.

He said, “what did the disciples see that made them live like how they did, with no care for their life, did they think when Christ said he was coming soon, the soon meant tomorrow?”

It’s been more than 2000 years since the time of the Apostles in the bible and I understand where my dad was coming from. Like many other questions that didn’t receive a satisfactory answer, it was shelved at the back of my mind until recently.

I think I’ve figured out the answer and Paul said it so clearly in Philippians 1:21, “for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain”

Paul was in prison at the time that this letter was written to the Church in Philippi and Paul went through A LOT for the gospel, times without number his life was placed on the line, yet he didn’t cower.

In Philippians 1:12 Paul says everything he’s experienced helped the gospel spread even more.

He saw every day alive as an opportunity to do more for Christ Philippians 1:22-25

Reading this and even writing this has placed a demand on me and it’s making me reflect. A part of me wants to make excuses and say “the times are different” but are they really?

These are the last days that the Apostles spoke of 2 Timothy 3:2, regardless of the amount of time since Jesus ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. Jesus is still coming soon

We must live with that consciousness; I must live with that consciousness. Having it seared into my mind that this life I live isn’t my own, that eternity is what matters Col 3:2

Paul prayed a prayer in Philippians 1:9-10 and I just wanna say that prayer over you and over me.

I pray that our love will overflow more and more, and that we will keep growing, growing in knowledge, and understanding. We come to really understand what matters, what is weightier, what is important so that we live pure and blameless until Christ returns

Thank you for reading, please share and if you have any questions or anything to add comment down below or send me an email.